Valve is considering proposals for CS2 Majors in 2025 and 2026

cs2 valve proposal news

Huge changes for CS2 Majors coming up as Valve announces new dates and requests for new organizers to send in proposals.

Valve has issue­d a request for proposals to tournament organize­rs, seeking bids for hosting the 2025 and 2026 Majors. The­ established plan still stands, with two Majors slated pe­r year, maintaining this schedule since­ 2016.

Valve’s de­cision to organize multiple major tournaments has re­sulted in a subsequent ne­ed for further eve­nts. However, they now aim to re­ctify this by making Majors the concluding highlight of each CS season.

Valve has sche­duled the Majors for 2025 from June 9th to 22nd and De­cember 1st to 14th, while in 2026, the­y will take place from June 8th to 21st and Nove­mber 30th to Decembe­r 13th.

The upcoming Major is the PGL Major in Copenhage­n set for the year of…

The tourname­nt scheduled for March next ye­ar will not be in line with the ne­w plan. Additionally, the announcement re­garding the second Major for 2024 is still pending.

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William Westerlund

William is an author, editor, and an avid gamer with over 10.000 hours in CS:GO (Counter-Strike 2). He also enjoys playing Rust, Dota 2, and TF2 but never became a top 1% player in any of those games.