Vertigo got you feeling dizzy from enemy fire? Don’t worry, teammate, I’m here to be your smoke grenade sensei! Let’s clear the confusion and learn the best Vertigo smokes in CS2.
With a few well-placed smokes, those tricky angles won’t stand a chance. Buckle up and get ready to dominate Vertigo like a true Counter-Strike 2 master!
Key Takeaways
- Proper execution of B-Site smokes, including Understairs to B Default and B Stairs to CTB smokes, is crucial for safe site entry.
- Controlling Mid is essential, requiring precise smokes such as T Mid to Guardians, T Mid to CT Spawn, and T Mid to Elevators.
- A-Site pushes and retakes can be enhanced with strategic smokes from Elevator to A Site, A Default to Scaffold, and Ramp to A Back Site.
Vertigo B-Site Smoke Strategies
The B site on Vertigo is a critical battleground where effective use of smokes often determines the winning team.
Smokes obscure defenders’ sightlines, providing essential cover for site takes or retakes.
Understairs to B Default Smoke

This smoke conceals the vision of defenders at B Default from Understairs, facilitating a safer push towards B Site.
- Position yourself under the stairs.
- Aim at the designated spot on the wall.
Also Check: CS2 Mirage Smokes
B Stairs to CTB Smoke

From B stairs, this smoke targets CTB (Counter-Terrorist Base), obstructing the vision of CT players and assisting terrorists in advancing onto B Site.
- Stand at B stairs.
- Aim towards the CTB area.
You will need to practice smokes in CS2 before being able to land this one!
CT Spawn to B Default Smoke

This defensive smoke is launched from CT Spawn towards B Default, hindering terrorists’ sightlines and movement.
- Stand at CT Spawn.
- Aim towards B Default.
Also Check: CS2 Mirage Smokes
Mid Control Smokes
Dominance in Vertigo’s mid-area heavily relies on strategically placed smokes and good Vertigo callouts. Blocking key sightlines from positions like Guardians and Elevators reduces the risk of being picked off by CTs, enhancing mid-area control.
T Mid to Guardians Smoke

Thrown from T Mid towards Guardians, this train smoke blocks the line of sight for CTs, allowing terrorists to maneuver freely in mid.
- Stand at T Mid.
- Aim towards Guardians.
T Mid to CT Spawn Smoke

This smoke obstructs vision from CT Spawn, facilitating safer passage and control over mid for terrorists.
- Position yourself at T Mid.
- Aim towards CT Spawn.
T Mid to Elevators Smoke

Deployed from T Mid to Elevators, this smoke blocks vision for CTs, reducing the risk of being seen or shot.
- Stand at T Mid.
- Aim towards Elevators.
A-Site Smokes
Vertigo’s A Site is a compact, multi-level area offering strategic positions for both attackers and defenders.
Elevator to A Site Smoke

This smoke, thrown from Elevator to A Site, obstructs vision for players on the site during executes or retakes.
- Position yourself at Elevator.
- Aim towards A Site.
Also Check: All CS2 Maps Callouts
A Default to Scaffold Smoke

Launched from A Default to Scaffold, this smoke blocks vision for players at Scaffold, providing safer movement and positioning on A Site.
- Stand at A Default.
- Aim towards Scaffold.
Ramp to A Back Site Smoke

Thrown from Ramp towards A Back Site, this smoke provides cover for terrorists executing on A Site, blocking vision from CTs at the back.
- Position yourself at Ramp.
- Aim towards A Back Site.
Mastering these Vertigo smokes in CS2 will give you a strategic advantage by controlling sightlines, isolating defenders, and facilitating safer pushes and retakes. Practice these CS2 smokes to improve your gameplay and dominate your opponents on Vertigo.
Frequently Asked Questions
Smokes are important in Vertigo for obscuring key sightlines and controlling crucial areas, giving your team a strategic advantage in the game.
You can practice and perfect your smoke lineups in Vertigo using lineup tools like the Counter Strike 2 lineup tool or Gazoom’s mapping tool. This will help improve your execution and precision.
Use smokes to block defenders’ vision and provide cover for pushing through B site, helping with site takes or retakes. This is a great strategy to increase your chances of success.