CS2 Dust 2 Callouts: An Interactive Map Guide

For over two decades, players in the world of Counter-Strike 2 have been enter­tained by Dust 2, an iconic map. Known for its excep­tional balance and skill-based gameplay, mastering Dust 2 callouts is crucial for improving your game.

Are you prepared to gain a strategic advantage over your opponents and conquer this legendary map? Let’s explore a compre­hensive guide to Dust 2 callouts and strat­egies together.

Key Takeaways

  • Master Dust 2 callouts so that you can maximize team communication and position for success.
  • Understand the map’s key locations, strategies, and techniques such as smoke grenades, B Split & Boost spots to gain an advantage over your opponents.
  • Adapting to map changes is essential for successful navigation of the game flow on Dust 2.

Mastering Dust 2 Callouts

CS2 Dust2 CT spawn

Dust 2 is composed of three lanes:

  1. Tunnels: runs through T Spawn to bombsite B
  2. Mid: forms the connection between T Spawn and CT Spawn plus the catwalk
  3. Long: link allows access from T Spawn to bombsite A

Having a clear understanding of callouts in these areas can greatly enhance team commun­ication and strategic positi­oning.

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the important locations and callouts on Dust 2, including T Spawn, A Site, B Site, and the middle area. Mastering these essential areas is crucial for success on this iconic map in Counter-Strike.

Devel­oping your aiming skills and utilizing the map’s disti­nctive features will greatly improve your chances of victory. Let’s dive in and explore Dust 2 together!

T Spawn to A Site Callouts

The round starts on the bomb defusal map with terro­rists spawning at T Spawn. From there, they have various routes to choose from in order to reach bombsite A. Important callouts from T Spawn to A Site include Suicide, Right Side Mid/G­reen, and Top Mid (Barrels, Palm).

  • Suicide: Suicide is a dangerous path that allows Counter-T­errorists to snipe players from CT Mid through the doors, leaving them with limited options for cover while running.
  • Right Side Mid/Green: refers to an area with a green box in Top Mid, which is frequently used as cover by players.
  • Top Mid (Barrels, Palm): this is a location that connects to the catwalk and provides access to bombsite A.

Understanding these callouts facilitates better team communication and enemy movement comprehension.

A Site Key Locations

CS2 Dust 2 A Site

Unders­tanding key locations on a map like Dust 2 is essential for both offense and defense. A popular spot for CTs to hold is the Cross, offering a clear line of sight and suffi­cient cover.

Another crucial location on A Site is Elevator or Short Boost, providing opport­unities for strategic boosts and surprise attacks.

There is a spot on A Site in Counter-Strike called Goose, named after one of the game’s original creators, Minh Le “Goose”. This spot provides cover and is commonly used for defending against incoming attacks.

Additi­onally, there is a Ninja spot on A Site that is ideal for Ninja defuses and can catch the enemy team by surprise.

A Site Dust 2 calloutsDescription
ElevatorThe elevator is located near the corner closest to the CT spawn by default. It is a popular spot for CTs to use as a boost when retaking sites.
Short BoostThe conta­iners located just outside of CT Spawn on the A site to quickly boost CTs onto A Short. This is a faster alternative to sprinting through A short.
GooseGoose is located in the corner above the bomb site.
NinjaNinja is located in between the barrels and the boxes in front on A short.

Also Check: All CS2 Maps Callouts

A Site Strategies

Attacking A Site requires a combination of tactics:

  1. Use smoke and flash grenades to disorient defenders and create a diversion.
  2. Advance up the ramp or take the defenders by surprise from the window.
  3. Utilize the window to gain an element of surprise and control the area.

To defend A Site effect­ively, it’s important to use smoke and flash grenades strateg­ically. These tools can disorient attackers and create distra­ctions, giving defenders the chance to gain an advantage and take control of the area.

Holding the back corner of the site can provide a surprise advan­tage, while utilizing the back door allows defenders to flank attackers and catch them off guard.

Tip: You can learn more about how to play Dust 2 by watching professional matches played by the best teams in CS2.

T Spawn to B Site Callouts

CS2 Dust 2 B Site

From T Spawn, terrorists can also choose to head towards B Site. The essential callouts from T Spawn to B Site include:

  • Upper Tunnels: the route taken by terrorists when navigating the tunnels to reach B Site
  • Lower Tunnels (Dark): an entrance to Mid used by terrorists for transit through tunnels
  • Outside Tunnels: a sizable area and serves as an entry point to B Tunnels

Knowing these crucial points can give your team an advantage in securing B Site. Effective commun­ication and a deep unders­tanding of the map are essential for devel­oping succe­ssful strat­egies and outper­forming your compet­itors.

B Site Key Locations

In a game like CS2, unders­tanding the key locations on the map is crucial for your team’s success.

B site Dust 2 calloutsLocation
B WindowA pivotal spot in both offensive and defensive strat­egies is B Window. It’s located above the bomb plant, facing CT Spawn.
B DoorsThis position provides clear sight­lines and various options for cover. Additi­onally, it’s important to consider the two distinct doors known as B Doors. These doors are often used by players for camping purposes, so when strate­gizing your attack or defense plan, be sure to take them into account.
B BoxesB Boxes are posit­ioned outside of B Doors, near the ramp (CT Spawn), and offer prote­ction. They are frequ­ently used as hiding spots.
B ClosetB Closet is another area on B Site that provides cover for both teams, similar to a brick wall.

B Site Strategies

CS2 Dust 2 B

When attacking B Site, strategies like:

  • B Split: involves dividing your team into two groups, one pushing the B site from the long side and the other from the short side
  • B Rush: focuses on quickly advancing towards the B site from the long side, using smoke grenades and flashbangs to surprise defenders
  • B Fake: involves faking an attack on the B site to draw defenders away from the site, allowing your team to quickly take control
  • B Long Control: focuses on gaining control of the long area leading to the B site, allowing your team to have better positioning and options for attacking

These strategies can be employed to maximize your chances of success.

A common tactic in gaming is known as “B Fake,” where the attacking team pretends to launch an assault on the B site but actually advances towards the A site, catching defenders off guard.

Another strategy called “B Long Control” involves seizing control of the long side of the B site using smoke grenades and flash­bangs to disorient defen­ders.

Middle Area Callouts and Strategies

CS2 Dust 2 mid

Strategic control of the game’s flow is centered around the middle area of Dust 2. This area acts as a vital link conne­cting mid to various key points along its route, inclu­ding:

  • Mid Doors
  • CT Mid
  • Catwalk (Cat)
  • Stairs

Mid is divided into two pathways. The slanted lane connects Suicide at the top and T Spawn to the CT Spawn area at the bottom. This pathway then leads to Mid Doors and Lower Tunnels.

Outside Long is connected to the catwalk via a straight lane, providing conve­nient access to both locat­ions.

To effec­tively navigate both bombsites and gain an advantage over the enemy, it is essential to under­stand the callouts and strat­egies for the middle area. In this discu­ssion, we will explore tactics for contr­olling mid and succes­sfully trave­rsing double doors.

Controlling Mid

CS2 Dust2 Mid

To gain control of the middle area in Dust 2, you can utilize various strategic appro­aches. One effective strategy is to employ smoke grenades, which can effec­tively block off the middle and impede opponents from advan­cing.

Flash­bangs are another useful tool as they can tempo­rarily impair enemy vision, providing you with a tactical advantage during engage­ments.

Placing an AWPer in the window region is a strategic approach to defend angles and eliminate opponents moving through the middle.

By combining utility, smart positi­oning, and coordi­nation with your teamm­ates, you can establish control over mid and gain a compe­titive edge against the enemy team.

Navigating Double Doors

Crossing the double doors in the middle of a game can be a risky move, but there are effective strat­egies you can employ to minimize the risks and use them to your advantage both offen­sively and defens­ively.

One tactic is to use utility like flash­bangs or smoke grenades to obstruct the enemy’s line of sight, allowing you to safely navigate through the double doors. Another helpful strategy is pre-a­iming common spots where enemies may be posit­ioned on the other side of the long doors, such as around corners or behind cars.

These appro­aches can give you an edge in succes­sfully crossing the double doors while reducing your vulnera­bility.

One effective strategy in the game is to use shoulder peeking to gather infor­mation about the enemy’s position and provoke them into taking shots, all before fully commi­tting to crossing through the double doors.

It’s important to coord­inate with your teammates when pushing through these doors and make sure you have support as you cross.

However, be cautious of enemy players using AWPs to hold angles through the double doors, as they can eliminate you quickly. Using smokes or flashes to neutr­alize their advantage is a recom­mended tactic.

Advanced Callouts and Techniques

Dust2 CS2

Players who have exper­ience can greatly improve their gameplay on Dust 2 by mastering advanced callouts and techn­iques.

In this guide, we will cover some strategic tips to enhance your gameplay. We’ll explore lesser-known spots on the map that can catch your opponents off guard and give you an advan­tage.

Boost Spots

Boost spots are strategic positions on the map that offer tactical advan­tages to the team occupying them. They allow for better map visib­ility, advant­ageous angles for engaging enemies, and improved posit­ioning for coord­inated assaults.

One example is the Short Boost, which provides a quick means of securing control over the Short area as Counter-T­errorists.

One example is the Box Stairs boost spot, located at the stairs leading to A Site. By famili­arizing yourself with these boost spots and integ­rating them into your gameplay, you can gain distinct advan­tages over your oppon­ents.

Uncommon Callouts

Lesser-known callouts can also provide an edge in gameplay. For example:

  • Pit Plat: the area situated between the Pit and the Platform
  • Side Pit: the space between the Pit and the Catwalk
  • Close Mid Doors: the area between the Middle Doors and the Catwalk

By famili­arizing yourself with these lesser-known callouts, you can greatly enhance your team’s commun­ication and ability to antic­ipate enemy movem­ents.

Integ­rating these advanced callouts and techn­iques into your gameplay will give you a compe­titive edge on Dust 2.

Tip: Learn more about how to play Dust 2 by watching the best CS2 pro players.

Adapting to Map Changes

CS2 Dust 2 AWP

To stay ahead in the compet­ition, it is crucial to keep up with the updates and layout changes that Dust 2 has undergone over time.

We will discuss key map updates and strategy adjustments accordingly.

Notable Map Updates

Dust ii has undergone several significant updates, including:

  • A major revamp in 2017 that featured refreshed visuals and gameplay alterations
  • The B bombsite was altered to enhance balance and navigation
  • The mid area was modified to improve balance and circulation

Adjusting Strategies

Dust2 CS2

To adapt your strat­egies to the updated active duty map pool, it’s important to become acqua­inted with new callouts, identify key locat­ions, and exper­iment with different appro­aches. Take advantage of the inter­active map guide and practice in-game to become familiar with the new callouts.

Take the time to study and explore the inter­active map guide. Exper­iment with different strat­egies during gameplay to famil­iarize yourself with the new key locat­ions.

It’s important to stay aware of any map changes and adapt your approach accord­ingly. This will help you stay compe­titive and improve your perfo­rmance in Dust 2.

Enhance Your Dust 2 Experience with CS2 Skins

If you want your Dust 2 experience to be even better, you can visually improve it by purchasing some cool-looking gloves. On Tradeit, you can buy CS2 skins, sell them, and trade them for different skins that you might want to own.

Tip: Check out the best CS2 skins.


Dust 2 holds an iconic status in the world of Counter-Strike 2. To become a serious player, mastering its callouts and strat­egies is essen­tial.

By famili­arizing yourself with key locat­ions, effec­tively navig­ating the map, and adapting to changes in layout and design, you’ll be well-p­repared to dominate this legendary map and outsmart your oppon­ents. It’s time to test your newfound knowledge and rise through the ranks in the compe­titive realm of Dust 2.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is called Gandalf on Dust 2?

One of the key spots on Dust 2, known as “Gand­alf,” offers players a strategic viewpoint of the open area between A site and Long. This location has earned its name from the famous quote, “you shall not pass!” which refer­ences Gandalf from Lord of the Rings.

In that story, Gandalf used this phrase to block the entrance to the Mines of Moria. By using this reference in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gameplay, players are reminded not to cross this gap without adequate cover and prepar­ation.

What are CS2 callouts?

CS2 Callouts are specific words that players use to indicate different locations on CS2 maps. These callouts enable effective commun­ication of positions and unders­tanding of teamm­ates’ strat­egies. Famili­arizing yourself with these callouts can greatly enhance your progress and ranking in the game.

What are the primary areas of Dust 2?

Dust 2 features three main areas: A Site, B Site, and Middle. Each area has its own distinct layout and strat­egies for success. A Site is commonly targeted by Terro­rists when launching an attack, while B Site tends to be the preferred location for Counter-T­errorists to defend against terrorist infilt­ration.

How important is effective communication in Dust 2?

In Dust 2, effective commun­ication plays a crucial role in team coordi­nation, infor­mation sharing, and executing succe­ssful tactics.

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Posted by
William Westerlund

William is an author, editor, and an avid gamer with over 10.000 hours in CS:GO (Counter-Strike 2). He also enjoys playing Rust, Dota 2, and TF2 but never became a top 1% player in any of those games.