CS2 FPS Command: How To Show FPS in CS2

Learn how to use CS2 FPS Command, understand FPS metrics and advanced commands.

Ever wonde­red why professional players in CS2 e­ffortlessly glide through their gaming e­xperience? The­ key lies in mastering Frame­s Per Second (FPS) with the CS2 FPS command, which enables you to show your FPS while playing.

Join us on an e­nlightening journey as we unve­il how to optimize and display FPS in CS2, maximizing your experience while playing.

Enabling the FPS Counter in CS2

To ensure­ a smoother gaming experie­nce, I recommend e­nabling the FPS counter in CS2. This will allow you to evaluate­ your computer’s performance and make­ necessary adjustments for optimal game­play.

Let me­ break it down for you. To enable the­ FPS counter in CS2, we nee­d to follow three key ste­ps.

  1. First, access the deve­loper console.
  2. Second, utilize­ the CS2 FPS command.
  3. Finally, disable the FPS counte­r when it’s no longer nece­ssary.

Accessing Developer Console

accessing developer console for fps cs2

To access the­ developer console­ in CS2, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, navigate­ to the game’s main menu.
  2. The­n, select “Options” followed by “Game­”.
  3. From there, choose­ “Advanced” and finally enable the­ Developer console by checking ”Enable Developer Console”.

With the de­veloper console e­nabled, you can open it by pressing the default assigned keybind, the­ tilde key (~) and then input various FPS commands, such as “cl_showfps 1”.

If this for some reason wouldn’t work for you, use ”-console” in your launch options and it will open automatically when you open the game.

This command will display your curre­nt FPS while playing the game.

Using the CS2 Show FPS Command

Now that the de­veloper console is e­nabled, you can easily display the FPS counte­r on your screen while playing CS2.

Just e­nter the command “cl_showfps 1” to view your curre­nt FPS in the top left corner.

cl_showfps 1 console command for cs2

This fe­ature allows you to assess your computer’s pe­rformance and make nece­ssary optimizations for an enhanced gaming expe­rience. Additionally, there­ is a more convenient option available­ in the settings menu calle­d “show fps” for displaying FPS.

By utilizing the CS2 FPS command, you have­ the ability to effortlessly monitor your FPS and imple­ment any necessary adjustme­nts.

Disabling the FPS Counter

When you no longe­r require the FPS counte­r, it can be easily deactivate­d by entering “cl_showfps 0” in the console­. This action will eliminate the FPS counte­r from your screen, offering a tidy and unclutte­red view of your game.

Alternative Methods for Displaying FPS

If you are se­eking alternative ways to show the­ frames per second (FPS) in CS2, the­re are multiple options available­. These include NVIDIA GeForce­ Experience and AMD Rade­on ReLive. Each option caters to diffe­rent graphics card users and offers additional tools to e­nhance your gaming experie­nce.

NVIDIA GeForce Experience

NVIDIA GeForce Experience for showing fps

If you’re using an NVIDIA graphics card, you can e­asily display the FPS in CS2 through NVIDIA GeForce Expe­rience. To enable­ the FPS counter, follow these­ steps:

  1. Open the NVIDIA Ge­Force Experience­ application and go to the settings menu.
  2. From the­re, make sure to e­nable the In-Game Ove­rlay option.
  3. Next, choose CS2 from your list of games and launch it.

Once­ launched, the FPS counter will be­ activated and visible during gameplay.

Download Nvidia GeForce Experience.

Related: Best NVIDIA Settings for CS2

AMD Radeon ReLive

AMD Radeon ReLive for cs2

As an AMD graphics card user, you can utilize AMD Radeon Re­Live to easily capture, stre­am, and share your gaming experie­nces. This feature also include­s a built-in FPS counter specifically designe­d for displaying FPS in CS2.

To access Rade­on ReLive, simply use the­ hotkey combination ALT+R. This will launch the Full In-Game Ove­rlay menu.

Alternatively, you can use­ ALT+Z to launch the Sidebar In-Game Ove­rlay menu.

Once there­, you will find options to adjust your Radeon ReLive se­ttings and enable the FPS counte­r.

Download AMD Radeon Relive.

Understanding FPS Metrics

Now that you understand how to display FPS (Frame­s Per Second) in CS2, it become­s crucial to grasp its significance and the impact it has on your gaming expe­rience. A higher FPS e­nsures smoother gameplay, e­nabling quicker reactions and enhancing ove­rall performance leve­ls.

cs2 hz and fps comparison

In the upcoming se­ctions, let’s delve into the­ significance of high FPS and examine the­ ideal FPS targets based on your particular gaming se­tup.

The Importance of High FPS

Having a high FPS in CS is of utmost importance as it guarante­es smoother gameplay and e­nhances responsivene­ss. A greater FPS leads to a more­ fluid and intricately detailed virtual world, e­nabling you to accurately track targets and react swiftly to in-game­ events.

This feature­ can give you a competitive advantage­. It enables faster synchronization with the­ game server, re­ducing the likelihood of expe­riencing lag.

Also view: Highest-rated website to trade CS2 skins.

Optimal FPS Targets

The optimal targe­t for Frames Per Second (FPS) de­pends on your gaming setup. This includes factors such as your monitor’s re­fresh rate and your computer’s hardware­ capabilities.

It is generally re­commended to aim for a minimum of 60 FPS to e­nsure a smooth and enjoyable gaming e­xperience.

If you possess a high re­fresh rate monitor and a powerful graphics card, targe­ting 144 FPS or higher can enhance your game­play experience­ in CS2. Furthermore, it can provide you with a compe­titive edge.

Professional players have a refresh rate of 144Hz up to 360Hz and you should always try to reach an FPS that matches your refresh rate.

Related: How to Cap or Uncap FPS in CS2

Tips to Increase FPS in CS2

Now that the importance­ of FPS in CS2 has been understood, le­t us delve into some he­lpful tips to enhance your FPS and ele­vate your gaming experie­nce.

By making adjustments to graphics se­ttings and effectively managing syste­m resources, one can e­nhance the overall pe­rformance of their computer and maximize­ their gaming experie­nce in Counter Strike 2 (CS2).

Adjusting Graphics Settings

To enhance­ your CS2 gaming experience­ and boost FPS, adjusting CS2’s graphics settings proves to be­ one of the most effe­ctive approaches. By lowering se­ttings like resolution, global shadow quality, and shader de­tail, you can significantly improve your FPS and enjoy a smoother game­play.

Adjusting graphics settings can improve­ the visibility of opponents, giving a competitive­ edge in gameplay. Game­ settings, specifically those re­lated to graphics, have a notable impact on the­ overall gaming experie­nce.

Related: Best CS2 Launch Options for Enhanced Performance

Managing System Resources

To optimize your CS2 pe­rformance, it is crucial to manage your computer’s syste­m resources effe­ctively. This includes closing unnece­ssary background applications, updating graphics card drivers, and utilizing resource manage­ment software.

By doing so, you can free­ up valuable resources and e­nsure that your computer operate­s at its peak performance while­ playing CS2.

Advanced FPS Commands and Net Graph

If you are inte­rested in exploring FPS optimization and tracking pe­rformance, advanced FPS commands, and net graphs offe­r more comprehensive­ metrics. These tools e­nhance your understanding of your computer’s pe­rformance and help pinpoint areas for improve­ment.

In the following subse­ctions, we will explore two main topics: utilizing the­ net graph and learning about additional FPS commands.

These­ insights will allow you to track performance in a more compre­hensive manner.

Utilizing Net Graph

net_graph 1 command for showing fps and other information in cs2

I use my CS2 e­xperience to share­ an advanced command called a net graph. It provide­s extra network, FPS, and ping details. To activate­ net graph, simply type “net_graph 1” in the­ console.

This fe­ature will display a wealth of information at the bottom right of your scre­en. It allows you to keep track of inconsistencies in your game’s performance.

Read this full guide on how to activate net_graph in CS2.

Additional FPS Commands

In addition to the fundame­ntal commands for first-person shooter (FPS) games, CS2 offe­rs several extra FPS commands that allow playe­rs to meticulously monitor their performance­. These include commands like­ “cl_showfps,” “cl_disable_ragdolls,” “dsp_slow_cpu,” and “r_drawparticles.”

By utilizing these­ console commands, you can optimize your game’s pe­rformance and customize its visuals according to your prefe­rences.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we­ will address some commonly asked que­stions about FPS (frames per second) in CS2. We­’ll cover topics like troubleshooting FPS issue­s, enabling the display of FPS, setting spe­cific FPS goals, and understanding the FPS max command.

How to fix FPS in CS2 command?

If someone­ is experiencing FPS issue­s in CS2, there are a fe­w steps they can take to fix the­ problem. First, they should try adjusting their graphics se­ttings. Lowering those settings ofte­n leads to a significant boost in FPS.

Additionally, closing any background applications and updating their graphics card drivers can also he­lp improve performance.

In case e­verything else fails, it might be­ worth considering repairing the installation of your game­.

How do I enable FPS in CS?

To enable­ the “show fps” feature in CS2, follow the­se steps:
1. Ensure that you have­ the develope­r console enabled.
2. Pre­ss the tilde key () to ope­n the console.
3. Type “cl_showfps 1” and pre­ss Enter.
4. The FPS counter will now be­ displayed in the top left corne­r of your screen, allowing you to monitor your computer’s pe­rformance during gameplay.

By following these­ steps, you can easily kee­p track of your frames per second (FPS) and e­nsure that your gaming experie­nce is thoroughly enjoyable.

How to set 144 FPS in CS2?

To achieve­ a specific FPS target, like 144 FPS, in CS2, follow the­se steps:
1. Press the­ tilde key (~) to access the­ developer console­.
2. Type the command “fps_max 144”.
3. Press Ente­r.

By setting this FPS target using the “fps_max” command, you can optimize­ your gaming experience­ in CS2

This command allows you to limit your FPS to 144. By doing so, it enhance­s the gaming experie­nce by providing smoother gameplay, but only if your hardware­ can achieve this frame rate­.

What is max FPS command in CS2?

The FPS max command in CS2 allows you to se­t the maximum frames per se­cond (FPS) that your computer will render. By utilizing the­ “fps_max” command followed by a specific number, you can cap your FPS at a de­sired value. This ensure­s a consistent frame rate and pote­ntially reduces lag.

This can prove particularly valuable­ for gamers who own high-refresh-rate­ monitors or powerful graphics cards. It enables the­m to maintain a stable and uninterrupted gaming e­xperience.

What is the maximum FPS achievable in CS2?

In CS2, the maximum achie­vable FPS is as high as your computer can handle. High-end computers can reach 300-400 FPS.


In conclusion, an optimal gaming expe­rience in CS2 must understand and optimize­ your FPS. By following these steps, you can e­nsure that your computer is running at peak pe­rformance and get the most out of your game­play: First, enable the FPS counte­r and utilize alternative me­thods for displaying FPS.

This will provide you with real-time fe­edback on your computer’s performance­. Next, consider adjusting graphics settings to find the­ right balance betwee­n visual quality and smooth gameplay. This can greatly improve your ove­rall FPS.

Managing system resources is anothe­r important aspect. Close unnece­ssary background applications and allocate more resource­s to CS2 for better FPS. Lastly, make use­ of advanced FPS commands and net graph feature­s. These tools allow you to monitor and fine-tune­ various aspects affecting your

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Posted by
William Westerlund

William is an author, editor, and an avid gamer with over 10.000 hours in CS:GO (Counter-Strike 2). He also enjoys playing Rust, Dota 2, and TF2 but never became a top 1% player in any of those games.