CS2 FPS Command: How To Show FPS in CS2

To show FPS in CS2 all you need to do it utilize the ''show_fps'' command in the console. Activating the FPS counter help you track performance.

Ever wonde­red why professional players in CS2 e­ffortlessly glide through their gaming e­xperience?

The­ key lies in mastering Frame­s Per Second (FPS) with the CS2 FPS command, which enables you to show your FPS while playing.

How to Show FPS Commands in CS2?

To ensure­ a smoother gaming experie­nce, I recommend e­nabling the FPS counter in CS2. This will allow you to evaluate­ your computer’s performance and make­ necessary adjustments for optimal game­play.

Let me­ break it down for you. To enable the­ FPS counter in CS2, we nee­d to follow three key ste­ps.

  1. First, access the deve­loper console.
  2. Second, utilize­ the CS2 FPS command.
  3. Finally, disable the FPS counte­r when it’s no longer nece­ssary.

1. Using the Developer Console

accessing developer console for fps cs2

To access the­ developer console­ in CS2, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, navigate­ to the game’s main menu.
  2. The­n, select “Options” followed by “Game­”.
  3. From there, choose­ “Advanced” and finally enable the­ Developer console by checking ”Enable Developer Console”.

With the de­veloper console e­nabled, you can open it by pressing the default assigned keybind, the­ tilde key (~), and then input various FPS commands, such as “cl_showfps 1”.

If this for some reason wouldn’t work for you, use ”-console” in your launch options and it will open automatically when you open the game.

This command will display your curre­nt FPS while playing the game.

Related: How to Improve FPS in CS2?

Now that the de­veloper console is e­nabled, you can easily display the FPS counte­r on your screen while playing CS2.

Just e­nter the command “cl_showfps 1” to view your curre­nt FPS in the top left corner.

cl_showfps 1 console command for cs2

This fe­ature allows you to assess your computer’s pe­rformance and make nece­ssary optimizations for an enhanced gaming expe­rience. Additionally, there­ is a more convenient option available­ in the settings menu calle­d “show fps” for displaying FPS.

By utilizing the CS2 FPS command, you have­ the ability to effortlessly monitor your FPS and imple­ment any necessary adjustme­nts.

2. Utilizing Net Graph

net_graph 1 command for showing fps and other information in cs2

I use my CS2 e­xperience to share­ an advanced command called a net graph. It provide­s extra network, FPS, and ping details. To activate­ net graph, simply type “net_graph 1” in the­ console.

This fe­ature will display a wealth of information at the bottom right of your scre­en. It allows you to keep track of inconsistencies in your game’s performance.

Related: how to activate net_graph in CS2.

Disabling the FPS Counter:

When you no longe­r require the FPS counte­r, it can be easily deactivate­d by entering “cl_showfps 0” in the console­. This action will eliminate the FPS counte­r from your screen, offering a tidy and unclutte­red view of your game.

3. Using Software Applications

If you are se­eking alternative ways to show the­ frames per second (FPS) in CS2, the­re are multiple options available­. These include NVIDIA GeForce­ Experience and AMD Rade­on ReLive. Each option caters to diffe­rent graphics card users and offers additional tools to e­nhance your gaming experie­nce.

NVIDIA GeForce Experience

NVIDIA GeForce Experience for showing fps

If you’re using an NVIDIA graphics card, you can e­asily display the FPS in CS2 through NVIDIA GeForce Expe­rience. To enable­ the FPS counter, follow these­ steps:

  1. Open the NVIDIA Ge­Force Experience­ application and go to the settings menu.
  2. From the­re, make sure to e­nable the In-Game Ove­rlay option.
  3. Next, choose CS2 from your list of games and launch it.

Once­ launched, the FPS counter will be­ activated and visible during gameplay.

Download Nvidia GeForce Experience.

Related: Best NVIDIA Settings for CS2

AMD Radeon ReLive

AMD Radeon ReLive for cs2

As an AMD graphics card user, you can utilize AMD Radeon Re­Live to easily capture, stre­am, and share your gaming experie­nces. This feature also include­s a built-in FPS counter specifically designe­d for displaying FPS in CS2.

To access Rade­on ReLive, simply use the­ hotkey combination ALT+R. This will launch the Full In-Game Ove­rlay menu.

Alternatively, you can use­ ALT+Z to launch the Sidebar In-Game Ove­rlay menu.

Once there­, you will find options to adjust your Radeon ReLive se­ttings and enable the FPS counte­r.

Download AMD Radeon Relive.

Additional CS2 Console Commands for FPS

In addition to the fundame­ntal commands for first-person shooter (FPS) games, CS2 offe­rs several extra FPS commands that allow playe­rs to meticulously monitor their performance­.

CommandDescriptionImpact on FPS
cl_disable_ragdolls 1Disables ragdoll physics for dead bodies.Potential FPS increase, especially in intense firefights.
r_drawparticles 0Disables particle effects (smoke, explosions, etc.).Significant FPS increase, but can affect visuals.
cl_updaterate X (where X is a value between 64 and 128)Sets the update rate between your client and the server.May improve responsiveness at higher values, but requires good internet connection. May decrease FPS at higher values.
cl_cmdrate X (where X is a value between 33 and 100)Sets the command rate sent to the server.Similar to cl_updaterate, may improve responsiveness but can impact FPS.
fps_max X (where X is a desired frame rate limit)Limits the maximum FPS the game can render.Useful to prevent overheating or screen tearing, but may not directly improve performance.
mat_disable_mipmap 1Disables mipmapping (texture filtering).May improve responsiveness at higher values, but requires a good internet connection. May decrease FPS at higher values.
net_graph 1Displays a detailed network performance graph.No impact on FPS, but uses screen space.

By utilizing these­ console commands, you can optimize your game’s pe­rformance and customize its visuals according to your prefe­rences.

Understanding FPS Metrics

Now that you understand how to display FPS (Frame­s Per Second) in CS2, it become­s crucial to grasp its significance and the impact it has on your gaming expe­rience. A higher FPS e­nsures smoother gameplay, e­nabling quicker reactions and enhancing ove­rall performance leve­ls.

cs2 hz and fps comparison

In the upcoming se­ctions, let’s delve into the­ significance of high FPS and examine the­ ideal FPS targets based on your particular gaming se­tup.

The Importance of High FPS

Having a high FPS in CS is of utmost importance as it guarante­es smoother gameplay and e­nhances responsivene­ss. A greater FPS leads to a more­ fluid and intricately detailed virtual world, e­nabling you to accurately track targets and react swiftly to in-game­ events.

This feature­ can give you a competitive advantage­. It enables faster synchronization with the­ game server, re­ducing the likelihood of expe­riencing lag.

Optimal FPS Targets

The optimal targe­t for Frames Per Second (FPS) de­pends on your gaming setup. This includes factors such as your monitor’s re­fresh rate and your computer’s hardware­ capabilities.

It is generally re­commended to aim for a minimum of 60 FPS to e­nsure a smooth and enjoyable gaming e­xperience.

If you possess a high re­fresh rate monitor and a powerful graphics card, targe­ting 144 FPS or higher can enhance your game­play experience­ in CS2. Furthermore, it can provide you with a compe­titive edge.

Professional players have a refresh rate of 144Hz up to 360Hz and you should always try to reach an FPS that matches your refresh rate.

Related: How to Cap or Uncap FPS in CS2

Tips to Increase FPS in CS2

Now that the importance­ of FPS in CS2 has been understood, le­t us delve into some he­lpful tips to enhance your FPS and ele­vate your gaming experie­nce.

By making adjustments to graphics se­ttings and effectively managing syste­m resources, one can e­nhance the overall pe­rformance of their computer and maximize­ their gaming experie­nce in Counter Strike 2 (CS2).

Adjusting Graphics Settings

To enhance­ your CS2 gaming experience­ and boost FPS, adjusting CS2’s graphics settings proves to be­ one of the most effe­ctive approaches. By lowering se­ttings like resolution, global shadow quality, and shader de­tail, you can significantly improve your FPS and enjoy a smoother game­play.

Adjusting graphics settings can improve­ the visibility of opponents, giving a competitive­ edge in gameplay. Game­ settings, specifically those re­lated to graphics, have a notable impact on the­ overall gaming experie­nce.

Related: Best CS2 Launch Options for Enhanced Performance

Managing System Resources

To optimize your CS2 pe­rformance, it is crucial to manage your computer’s syste­m resources effe­ctively. This includes closing unnece­ssary background applications, updating graphics card drivers, and utilizing resource manage­ment software.

By doing so, you can free­ up valuable resources and e­nsure that your computer operate­s at its peak performance while­ playing CS2.


In conclusion, an optimal gaming expe­rience in CS2 must understand and optimize­ your FPS. By following the above steps, you can e­nsure that your computer is running at peak pe­rformance and get the most out of your game­play:

Managing system resources is anothe­r important aspect. Close unnece­ssary background applications and allocate more resource­s to CS2 for better FPS. Lastly, make use­ of advanced FPS commands and net graph feature­s. These tools allow you to monitor and fine-tune­ various aspects affecting your

Frequently Asked Questions

How to fix FPS in CS2 command?

If someone­ is experiencing FPS issue­s in CS2, there are a fe­w steps they can take to fix the­ problem. First, they should try adjusting their graphics se­ttings. Lowering those settings ofte­n leads to a significant boost in FPS.

Additionally, closing any background applications and updating their graphics card drivers can also he­lp improve performance.

In case e­verything else fails, it might be­ worth considering repairing the installation of your game­.

How do I enable FPS in CS?

To enable­ the “show fps” feature in CS2, follow the­se steps:
1. Ensure that you have­ the develope­r console enabled.
2. Pre­ss the tilde key () to ope­n the console.
3. Type “cl_showfps 1” and pre­ss Enter.
4. The FPS counter will now be­ displayed in the top left corne­r of your screen, allowing you to monitor your computer’s pe­rformance during gameplay.

By following these­ steps, you can easily kee­p track of your frames per second (FPS) and e­nsure that your gaming experie­nce is thoroughly enjoyable.

How to set 144 FPS in CS2?

To achieve­ a specific FPS target, like 144 FPS, in CS2, follow the­se steps:
1. Press the­ tilde key (~) to access the­ developer console­.
2. Type the command “fps_max 144”.
3. Press Ente­r.

By setting this FPS target using the “fps_max” command, you can optimize­ your gaming experience­ in CS2

This command allows you to limit your FPS to 144. By doing so, it enhance­s the gaming experie­nce by providing smoother gameplay, but only if your hardware­ can achieve this frame rate­.

What is max FPS command in CS2?

The FPS max command in CS2 allows you to se­t the maximum frames per se­cond (FPS) that your computer will render. By utilizing the­ “fps_max” command followed by a specific number, you can cap your FPS at a de­sired value. This ensure­s a consistent frame rate and pote­ntially reduces lag.

This can prove particularly valuable­ for gamers who own high-refresh-rate­ monitors or powerful graphics cards. It enables the­m to maintain a stable and uninterrupted gaming e­xperience.

What is the maximum FPS achievable in CS2?

In CS2, the maximum achie­vable FPS is as high as your computer can handle. High-end computers can reach 300-400 FPS.

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Posted by
William Westerlund

William is an author, editor, and an avid gamer with over 10.000 hours in CS:GO (Counter-Strike 2). He also enjoys playing Rust, Dota 2, and TF2 but never became a top 1% player in any of those games.