Anubis Callouts in CS2

It’s that time of the year again. Let’s break down Anubis and make sure you’re the most knowledgeable player in the lobby. This guide will cover key callouts, helping you and your team communicate efficiently and take control of the map.

T Spawn and Initial Movements

Starting at T Spawn, you have two main pathways: right to Alley for an A site approach, or left to Ruins for a B site rush.

These initial routes are crucial for setting up your early-game strategy and confusing the enemy with unpredictable movements.

T SpawnLarge starting area for Ts with paths to both A and B sites
AlleyPathway close to T Spawn leading to Middle and B Site
RuinsDirect route to B Long, providing quick access to B Site
Top MidAbove T Spawn, crucial for rotations and accessing Bridge

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A Site and Surroundings

A Site Anubis

A Site is a hotspot for intense firefights. Centered around a distinctive pillar, it offers various strategic positions.

Controlling A Connector and Heaven can provide significant advantages, allowing you to lock down the site and fend off enemies, thus using Anubis callouts are extremely important here.

A SiteCentral bomb planting area with a prominent pillar
A ConnectorNarrow walkway linking Middle to A Site, often used by CTs
Back Site (A)Defensive position on CT side of A Bombsite, near a gated door
Heaven (A)Elevated platform providing CTs with a vantage point over A Site
FountainElevated area in front of A Main, offering quick positioning advantages
PlateauEntry to A Site from A Connector, can be secured from Heaven and Fountain

B Site and Key Areas

B Site is where the action happens fast. With multiple entry points and hiding spots like Ninja and Back Site, controlling this area requires coordination and quick reflexes.

Use the pillars and Gate strategically to dominate this bombsite.

B SiteCentral bomb planting area, surrounded by key positions
B LongMain entry point for Ts rushing B, stretches from B Site to Ruins
GateLarge archway leading from B Long into B Site
Pillar (B)Two large pillars in B Site, providing cover for players
Back Site (B)Hidden area in B Site, great for sneaky plays
NinjaConcealed corner in B Site, ideal for hiding and surprising opponents
Heaven (B)Elevated spot in Ruins, offering a vantage point over B Long

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Middle and Pathways

Mid Anubis CS2

Middle is the crossroads of Anubis. Controlling this area allows your team to pivot between A and B sites quickly.

Use Bridge and Canal to your advantage, creating opportunities for rotations and ambushes.

MiddleCentral region connecting both bombsites, crucial for control
BridgeElevated pathway over Water/Canal, leading to Double Doors
Canal/WaterCentral area marked by archways, connecting to A side
Double DoorsDoors in the middle of the map, providing cover and access to Bridge
Connector (B)Indoor section linking Middle to B Bombsite, near Pillar

Key Defensive Spots for CTs

CTs have several key spots to control and defend Anubis effectively.

From the elevated Sniper’s Nest to the hidden depths of Cave and Street, these positions are vital for holding the line and stopping Ts in their tracks.

CT SpawnStarting point for CTs, providing quick access to both bombsites
SniperElevated area for sniping opponents entering B from Gate
CavePassageway from CT Spawn to B Site via Street
StreetConnects Cave to B Site, safe early in the round
PalaceIndoor area near CT Spawn, useful for rotating to Middle or B
BeachLarge sandy area on top of CT Spawn, rarely used but spacious

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Advanced Anubis Callouts for Strategic Play

Anubis map CS2

Advanced CS2 maps callouts help you make the most of Anubis’s complex layout. Using Drop to gain control of Water or Boat for strategic positioning can give your team the upper hand.

These callouts are essential for executing high-level strategies and outsmarting your opponents.

DropAllows Ts to safely approach Water from Upper
BoatOpen area leading to Main and A Site, filled with water
WoodSmall hiding spot near Boat, good for ambushing
HeadshotBehind boxes, providing cover to shoot approaching Ts


So, armed with these Anubis callouts, you’re ready to take on the map with confidence. Communicate effectively, use these strategic positions to your advantage, and you’ll dominate the map like a pro. Good luck out there!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is eBox on Anubis?

On Anubis, eBox (Electric Box) is a small electrical box providing cover near Middle, often used for holding angles and surprise attacks.

Is Anubis CT or T sided?

Anubis is generally considered balanced but can be slightly CT-sided due to the ease of defending tight choke points and strategic vantage points.

When was Anubis added to Pro Play?

Anubis was added to the professional Counter-Strike map pool in November 2020, making its debut in the competitive scene shortly thereafter.

Where is Anubis CS2?

Anubis is set in an ancient Egyptian-themed environment, featuring iconic landmarks like pyramids and statues, blending tight corridors with open spaces for strategic gameplay.

Posted by
William Westerlund

William is an author, editor, and an avid gamer with over 10.000 hours in CS:GO (Counter-Strike 2). He also enjoys playing Rust, Dota 2, and TF2 but never became a top 1% player in any of those games.