CS2 is a game with a thriving esports circuit and a vast ecosystem. Tens of millions of people play it every month and those people invest a lot of money into skins and weapon cases, that why you may need CS:GO trader review.
Because of that, CS2 skin trading is a full-time job for some people. There’s good money to be made trading CS2 skins, and even if you’re not interested in it, you’ll still trade skins occasionally as a casual gamer.
Tools for Trading CS2 Skins
To make your life easier, apps like CS:GO Trader have been created. Such apps allow you to trade skins faster and understand your trades much better in terms of raw numbers. Are they profitable or are they not profitable?
Some people only use the Steam Market, but that’s a limited way of trading skins. For those who want to use the money they make from selling skins for real-world purposes, platforms like Tradeit.gg exist. And the trades you can make there are highly profitable.

Related: CS2 skins trade bot
What CS:GO Trader Can Offer You
CS:GO Trader is an app that helps you manage your CS2 trades. You can regard it as your Steam inventory helper or as an auxiliary tool for any other skin trading platform. This browser extension can be used in Firefox or Chrome and has vast functionality, including:
- It includes pricing information in inventories and all of your trade offers
- It lists your total inventory value, as well as your trade offer value
- Shows profits for incoming trade offers ordered by the most profitable
- Shows you float and other technical info like paint index, paint seed, and pattern index in inventories, trade offers, and the market
- You can order by float value on market pages and see more than the default 10 listings on the market
- Can be used to set a default sorting mode for inventories and trade offers
- All inventory items are loaded automatically, which means that you no longer need to wait for the items to load when searching or switching pages
- Sticker wear (condition percentage) in inventories and on the market
- Allows you to copy a user’s permanent profile link (scammers tend to often change their links automatically)
- You can bookmark an item and get a notification when it is ready to be traded
- Provides a real chat status on profiles (away, busy, snooze instead of just mentioning that you’re online)
- Has an NSFW filter mode to avoid showing inappropriate images to your colleagues
- CSGOLounge.com auto-bumping, a feature designed to make your trades more popular by keeping them on top
- CSGOTraders.net auto-bumping, a feature designed to make your trades more popular by keeping them on top

Related : Best site to buy CS2 skins.
More Features provided by CS:GO Trader App
If you want even more features, you’ll be pleased to learn that this CS2 app has a lot more to offer, including:
- You can add or remove similar items from a trade, add an entire page, add all similar items, etc.
- Colorful inventories, with changes made to each item’s background based on its rarity
- Scammers are marked on their profile and in-trade offers (if they are SteamRep banned)
- Displays Doppler phases, fade percentages, and marble fade patterns (fire and ice, blue tip, red tip, etc.)
- Displays a “Starting at” price and sales volume info in everyone’s inventory
- Allows you to instantly accept trade offers and provides decline trade offer buttons on the incoming trade offers page
- Displays the float rank of a CS2 skin (like 3rd best in existence). This data is taken from csgofloat.
- Has a currency converter and a percentage calculator in the extension pop-up.
More for CS:GO Trader
- Provides an “Inspect in Browser…” button on market, inventories, and trade offers
- Has an item mass listing / selling feature, which can save you a lot of time
- Shows you when an item’s trade lock will expire and adds a countdown
- Shows exterior on each item and adds links to other versions in inventory and market pages
- Pricing providers: CSGO Trader, Steam, etc.
- You can see the original currency and price of an item listed on the market
- Report known spam and scam comments automatically (such as fake giveaway comments on profiles)
- Reply to any comment by tagging the other user’s name
- Generate a list of inventory items
- Adds a +rep button on profiles to post your reputation message after a successful trade
- You can check the value of multiple items in an inventory by selecting them
- Allows you to sort inventories and trade offers by price, tradeability, name, or position
- Takes into account duplicate items in inventories
- Allows you to set rules for incoming friend requests (accept, ignore or block on matching conditions)
- You can check if an item is present in a different offer
- Allows you to auto-bump your Steam trading posts in groups and forums
- Provides a series of other small features, automations, and conveniences

How to Use CS:GO Trader
If you’ve never used CS:GO Trader before, this YouTube guide will show you what can be done with this wonderful app.