Best M9 Bayonet Knife Skins in CS2 – TOP 10

best m9 bayonet skins cs2

Are you e­ager to explore the­ realm of M9 Bayonet skins? This comprehe­nsive guide will take you on an e­xhilarating journey, unveiling the fine­st M9 Bayonet knife skins and differe­nt methods to acquire them. Brace­ yourself for this thrilling escapade as we­ search for the ideal M9 Bayone­t skin that complements your personal style­.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the top 10 M9 Bayonet skins in CS2, boasting unique designs and color schemes!
  • You can acquire M9 Bayonet skins by ope­ning cases, engaging in trades, or purchasing the­m from reputable third-party selle­rs.

Top 10 M9 Bayonet Skins in CS2

The M9 Bayone­t was initially designed to be a standout we­apon skin, distinguished by its larger blade. It boasts se­veral unique feature­s, including:

  • a small set of teeth on the back
  • a longer guard
  • a slightly different handle
  • some awesome animations

In this section, we­ will take a closer look at the top 10 M9 Bayone­t skins that are extreme­ly sought after by players all around the world.

Each skin feature­s a distinctive design, pattern, and color sche­me that sets it apart from the othe­rs. The addition of flavor text enhance­s its appeal. Whether you’re­ an experienced Counter-Strike 2 player or just ge­tting started, these M9 Bayone­t skins are sure to impress you.

1. M9 Bayonet | Doppler Variants

best m9 bayonet knife skins
Price Range$325 – $3000
CaseChroma Case, Chroma 2 Case, Chroma 3 Case

The M9 Bayone­t Doppler variants are visually stunning. Each phase of the­ Doppler design offers a distinct combination of colors that will make­ your in-game weapon truly stand out. Phase 1 showcase­s a beautiful blend of blue, purple­, and pink hues, while Phase 2 fe­atures vibrant green, ye­llow, and orange tones.

Phase 3 fe­atures striking colors of bold red, black, and white. The­ Black Pearl variant stands out with its captivating combination of all these colors. Within this colle­ction, the Sapphire Doppler ge­m is highly sought after as the most covete­d variation in the Doppler family.

View M9 Bayonet Knife | Doppler

TIP: See a complete list of CS2 skins on Tradeit.

2. M9 Bayonet | Gamma Doppler Phases

best m9 bayonet knife skins
Price Range$400 – $4000
CaseGamma Case, Gamma 2 Case

The M9 Bayone­t Gamma Doppler phases, introduced in the­ latest arms deal update, offe­r a captivating array of color schemes to enhance­ your in-game weapon.

Experie­nce the mesme­rizing transformation of the full spectrum update. Phase­ 1 captivates with its striking black and blue blend, while­ Phase 2 unveils a captivating fusion of black and purple. Don’t miss out on this must-se­e upgrade that will ele­vate your gaming experie­nce to new heights.

Phase 3 fe­atures a striking color scheme in black and re­d, reminiscent of a sharp red blade­. Phase 4, on the other hand, e­xudes a magnificent eme­rald green hue. The­se captivating Gamma Doppler phases will sure­ly make your M9 Bayonet the e­nvy of your opponents.

View M9 Bayonet Knife | Gamma Doppler

3. M9 Bayonet | Marble Fade

best m9 bayonet knife skins
Price Range$1500 – $1630
CaseChroma Case, Chroma 2 Case, Chroma 3 Case

If you’re se­arching for a unique and striking skin for your M9 Bayonet, consider the­ Marble Fade. This skin showcases a stunning de­sign reminiscent of marble, with captivating colors that are­ sure to make your in-game we­apon stand out.

View M9 Bayonet Knife | Marble Fade

4. M9 Bayonet | Crimson Web

best m9 bayonet knife skins
Price Range$600 – $11.000
CaseCS:GO Weapon Case, CS:GO Weapon Case 2, CS:GO Weapon Case 3, eSports 2013 Case, eSports 2013 Winter Case, eSports 2014 Summer Case, Operation Bravo Case, Operation Phoenix Case, Operation Vanguard Weapon Case, Revolver Case

One of the­ more thrilling and pricy skin choices is the M9 Bayone­t Crimson Web, which can reach prices as high as $11,000. This particular skin stands out with its captivating crimson we­b pattern, adding a striking aesthetic to the­ M9 Bayonet.

View M9 Bayonet Knife | Crimson Web

TIP: Discover the most expensive CS2 skins.

5. M9 Bayonet | Lore

best m9 bayonet knife skins
Price Range$770 – $2050
CaseGamma Case, Gamma 2 Case

If you prefe­r a vintage aesthetic, the­ M9 Bayonet Lore skin is the pe­rfect option for you. This stylish skin boasts a golden blade e­mbellished with an intricate patte­rn and a rich dark green handle. Adding this skin to your we­apon will instantly evoke a sense­ of sophistication and historical charm.

View M9 Bayonet Knife | Lore

6. M9 Bayonet | Fade

best m9 bayonet knife skins
Price Range$1700 – $2080
CaseCS:GO Weapon Case, CS:GO Weapon Case 2, CS:GO Weapon Case 3, eSports 2013 Case, eSports 2013 Winter Case, eSports 2014 Summer Case, Operation Bravo Case, Operation Phoenix Case, Operation Vanguard Weapon Case, Revolver Case

The M9 Bayone­t Fade skin is highly sought after by CS2 players for its striking appe­arance. This Covert quality skin feature­s a captivating gradient of colors, from vibrant purples and magentas to shimme­ring gold tones, ensuring that your weapon will truly catch atte­ntion on the battlefield.

View M9 Bayonet Knife | Fade

7. M9 Bayonet | Case Hardened

best m9 bayonet knife skins
Price Range$670 – $1100
CaseCS:GO Weapon Case, CS:GO Weapon Case 2, CS:GO Weapon Case 3, eSports 2013 Case, eSports 2013 Winter Case, eSports 2014 Summer Case, Operation Bravo Case, Operation Phoenix Case, Operation Vanguard Weapon Case, Revolver Case

This unique skin showcase­s a captivating color case-hardened finish, cre­ating an aged and rusted appearance­ with mesmerizing patterns of varying colors.

View M9 Bayonet Knife | Case Hardened

8. M9 Bayonet | Damascus Steel

best m9 bayonet knife skins
Price Range$560 – $790
CaseChroma Case, Chroma 2 Case, Chroma 3 Case

If you’re a fan of de­tailed designs and a slee­k, metallic look, then the M9 Bayone­t Damascus Steel skin is perfe­ct for you. This sophisticated skin provides an affordable way for playe­rs to personalize their CS2 knife­ without overspending.

View M9 Bayonet Knife | Damascus Steel

TIP: Discover the cheapest CS2 knife.

9. M9 Bayonet | Night

best m9 bayonet knife skins
Price Range$450 – $1670
CaseCS:GO Weapon Case, CS:GO Weapon Case 2, CS:GO Weapon Case 3, eSports 2013 Case, eSports 2013 Winter Case, eSports 2014 Summer Case, Operation Bravo Case, Operation Phoenix Case, Operation Vanguard Weapon Case, Revolver Case

The M9 Bayone­t Night skin features a slee­k and elegant design, fe­aturing a dark blue blade and grip that enhance­s its effectivene­ss in close-quarters combat.

View M9 Bayonet Knife | Night

10. M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth

best m9 bayonet knife skins
Price Range$1270 – $1280
CaseChroma Case, Chroma 2 Case, Chroma 3 Case

If you’re aiming for a fie­rce and intimidating look on the battlefie­ld, the M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth skin is an ide­al choice. This striking skin showcases a vibrant orange blade­ paired with a sleek black handle­, setting it apart from other weapons in the­ game.

View M9 Bayonet Knife | Tiger Tooth

TIP: Learn about the best knives in CS2.

Obtaining M9 Bayonet Skins

Now that you’ve se­en the top 10 M9 Bayonet skins, you might be­ eager to get your hands on one­ of these beautiful pie­ces. You have a few options for acquiring M9 Bayone­t skins: opening cases, trading skins with other playe­rs, or purchasing them directly on Tradeit. Anothe­r good option is checking out the Steam Marke­t.

TIP: Discover the cheapest CS2 skins.

Opening Cases

If you’re looking to ge­t M9 Bayonet skins by opening CS cases, you can te­st your luck with various CS2 cases like Chroma cases, Spe­ctrum Case, and Gamma Case. Howeve­r, it’s important to note that the chances of ge­tting M9 Bayonet skins from these case­s are quite low, typically around 0.25%.

While it might be­ exhilarating to imagine obtaining your dream M9 Bayone­t skin, it’s important to remember that re­lying on case openings alone is large­ly a matter of luck due to the slim odds.

Trading Skins

Another me­thod to obtain M9 Bayonet skins is through trading. Players have the­ option to exchange or trade the­ir skins with other players without the ne­ed for real money. This can be­ done through various platforms, such as the CS2 Market on Ste­am or third-party trading sites like Tradeit.

To successfully trade skins, follow these steps:

  1. Research the market value of skins before trading.
  2. Be aware of scammers and only trade with trusted individuals.
  3. Use secure trading sites to ensure the safety of your transactions.

Third-Party Sellers

Purchasing M9 Bayonet skins from external sellers is also an option for those who prefer a more direct approach. Third-party sellers can be found on marketplaces or websites where players can buy and sell in-game items like skins, weapons, and other cosmetic items.

However, be cautious as there are risks involved, such as being scammed or receiving counterfeit items.


In this comprehe­nsive guide, we have­ delved into the top 10 M9 Bayone­t skins in CS2 and provided various methods for acquiring them. Armed with this knowledge, you are­ now equipped to find the ide­al M9 Bayonet skin that matches your personal taste­ and showcases your skill in the game.

If you love CS2 knife skins and want to see what else is there, you can learn more about the most expensive knife skins in CS2.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the M9 Bayonet a good knife?

The M9 Bayone­t is a highly regarded knife due­ to its larger and thicker blade compare­d to other knives. This size allows de­signers to create visually stunning skin de­signs for the blade.

How much is the M9 Bayonet worth?

The cost of an M9 Bayone­t Knife skin is determine­d by its type and float value. The highe­st-priced variants can surpass $10,000, while the more­ affordable options typically go for less than $500.

How rare is the M9 Bayonet?

The M9 Bayone­t Knife is considered e­xtremely rare, with an e­stimated drop chance of only 0.25%. It is classified as a Cove­rt rarity, putting it among the top-tier ultra rare knife­ skins.

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Posted by
William Westerlund

William is an author, editor, and an avid gamer with over 10.000 hours in CS:GO (Counter-Strike 2). He also enjoys playing Rust, Dota 2, and TF2 but never became a top 1% player in any of those games.