Rust Console Commands – Admin | Give | Time Command

Rust admin commands are used by Rust server admins or by a server moderator, including the Rust console commands. They constitute tools for configuring the server and managing its community of players. Admin commands can be utilized for kicking or banning, as well as other administrative tasks.

Rust Console Commands

How to Use Server Console Commands in Rust 

Rust console commands for server can be issued from several places:

  • The command line console that’s running on the server
  • Rust’s in-game console (press F1 to open it)
  • Third-party apps like Rust Server Manager or Rust Admin
  • Third-party RCON platforms such as Battlemetrics

Rust Server Variables

Server variables, better known as server settings, CVARs, or convars, are used together with admin commands to control Rust servers. These server variables can be issued in various ways and will take effect immediately. Keep in mind that when they’re used in the console, they are not saved permanently and will be lost when the server restarts.

If you want to save your server settings, you must manually update your server configuration file with the desired server variables and their chosen values. The server’s state might have to be saved manually.

A List of Some of The Most Useful Rust Admin Commands

There are many admin commands that exist in Rust console commands. Some of the most useful ones are listed below. Each command must have a valid value.

Ai.addignoreplayerAdds a player to the AI’s ignore list.
ai.animal_ignore_food TrueIf animal_ignore_food is true, animals will not sense food sources or interact with them (server optimization).
ai.clearignoredplayersRemove all players from the AI’s ignore list.
ai.nav_carve_min_building_blocks_to_apply_optimizationThe minimum number of building blocks a building needs to consist of for this optimization to be applied.
ai.nav_carve_size_multiplierThe size multiplier applied to the size of the carve volume. The smaller the value, the tighter the skirt around foundation edges, but too small and animals can attack through walls.
ai.npc_cover_use_path_distanceIf npc_cover_use_path_distance is set to true, NPCs will look at the distance between the cover point and their target using the path between the two, rather than the straight-line distance.
ai.npc_patrol_point_cooldownnpc_patrol_point_cooldown defines the cooldown time on a patrol point until it’s available again.
aimanager.ai_dormantIf ai_dormant is true, any NPC outside the range of players will render itself dormant and take up less resources, but wildlife won’t simulate as well.
aimanager.ai_htn_use_agency_tickIf ai_htn_use_agency_tick is true, the AI manager’s agency system will tick HTN agents at the ms budgets defined in ai_htn_player_tick_budget and ai_htn_animal_tick_budget. If false, each agent registers with the invoke system individually, with no frame-budget restrictions.
aimanager.pathfindingiterationsperframeThe maximum amount of nodes processed each frame in the asynchronous pathfinding process. Increasing this value will cause the paths to be processed faster, but can cause some hiccups in frame rate. Default value is 100, a good range for tuning is between 50 and 500.
basenavigator.basenavmovementframeintervalHow many frames between base navigation movement updates.
basesubmarine.outsidedecayminutesHow long before a submarine loses all its health while outside. If it’s in deep water, deepwaterdecayminutes is used.
coverpointvolume.cover_point_sample_step_heightDefines the height of the steps we do vertically for the cover point volume’s cover point generation (smaller steps gives more accurate cover points, but at a higher processing cost).
coverpointvolume.cover_point_sample_step_sizeDefines the size of the steps we do horizontally for the cover point volume’s cover point generation (smaller steps gives more accurate cover points, but at a higher processing cost).
debug.flushgroupTakes you in and out of your current network group, causing you to delete and then download all entities in your PVS again.
decay.bracket_0_blockcountBetween 0 and this value are considered bracket 0 and will cost bracket_0_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain.
global.steamnetdebugTurns on varying levels of debug output for the Steam Networking. This will affect performance. (0 = off, 1 = bug, 2 = error, 3 = important, 4 = warning, 5 = message, 6 = verbose, 7 = debug, 8 = everything).
global.usersinrangeofplayerShow user info for players on the server in range of the supplied player (e.g., Tim 40).
hackablelockedcrate.decaysecondsHow many seconds until the crate is destroyed without any hack attempts.
inventory.deployloadoutDeploys the given loadout to a target player. Example: inventory.deployLoadout testloadout John.
inventory.disableattirelimitationsDisables all attire limitations, so NPC clothing and invalid overlaps can be equipped.
inventory.saveloadoutSaves the current equipped loadout of the calling player. Example: inventory.saveLoadout loadoutname.
server.bansserverfailuremodeFailure mode for centralized banning, set to 1 to reject players from joining if it’s down.
server.combatlog_outgoingGet the player combat log, only showing outgoing damage.
server.conveyormovefrequencyHow often industrial conveyors attempt to move items (value is an interval measured in seconds). Setting to 0 will disable all movement.
server.crawlingmaximumhealthMaximum initial health given when a player dies and moves to crawling wounded state.
server.crawlingminimumhealthMinimum initial health given when a player dies and moves to crawling wounded state.
server.industrialcrafterfrequencyHow often industrial crafters attempt to craft items (value is an interval measured in seconds). Setting to 0 will disable all crafting.
server.respawnwithloadoutWhen a player respawns give them the loadout assigned to client.RespawnLoadout (created with inventory.saveloadout).
server.snapshotThis sends a snapshot of all the entities in the client’s PVS. This is mostly redundant, but we request this when the client starts recording a demo so they get all the information.
vehicle.cinematictrainsIf true, trains always explode when destroyed, and hitting a barrier always destroys the train immediately.
vehicle.trainskeeprunningvehicle.trainskeeprunning determines whether trains stop automatically when there’s no one on them.
wipetimer.wipeunixtimestampoverrideUnix timestamp (seconds) for the upcoming wipe. Overrides all other convars if set to a time in the future.
xmasdungeon.playerdetectrangeHow far we detect players from our inside/outside.
xmasdungeon.xmaslifetimeHow long each active dungeon should last before dying.
xmasdungeon.xmaspopulationPopulation active on the server.
global.banlistList of banned users.
physics.solveriterationcountThe default solver iteration count permitted for any rigid bodies. Must be positive.
global.playersPrint out currently connected clients (currently connected players).

More Rust Commands

Rust Console Commands

A complete list of Rust admin commands list can be found here. Whether you are interested in commands related to physics steps, config files, chat messages, the rain factor, the maximum number of players, and so on, Rust gives you ways of controlling these things and of getting the data you need.

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Posted by
William Westerlund

William is an author, editor, and an avid gamer with over 10.000 hours in CS:GO (Counter-Strike 2). He also enjoys playing Rust, Dota 2, and TF2 but never became a top 1% player in any of those games.