Vertigo Callouts in CS2

If you’re diving into Vertigo and want to level up your game, understanding the callouts is crucial. Let’s break down the key areas of the map, making it easier for you to communicate with your team and secure those wins.

A Site Callouts

A Site on Vertigo is a strategic hotspot with multiple entry points and defensive positions. Mastering these callouts can significantly boost your team’s coordination and effectiveness.

A RampA large open slope leading to A Site, often used by terrorists (Ts) for quick pushes.
SandbagsA corner on A Ramp where counter-terrorists (CTs) can ambush Ts.
Double/BoostThe set of red crates near A Site, useful for controlling the area and providing cover.
Scaffold/YellowA platform that connects the way from Dog to a position under the Ramp. The whole platform is covered with a large yellow tarp.
LaneA way that connects Scaffold and A Default, allowing hidden exits to plant A.
Default AA spot behind three red boxes on the A plant.
BacksideA room between CT and plant A.
HavenA platform on the Backside, ideal for snipers to hold enemies on plant A.

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B Site Callouts

B Site vertigo

B Site is another critical area with its unique set of callouts. It requires strategic positioning and quick reflexes to hold or take control effectively.

B StairsConnects T Spawn to B Site, a common entry point for Ts.
CatwalkA platform extending from B Site, offering strategic positioning but vulnerable from below.
Default BA spot behind two red boxes, ideal for holding CT pushes and planting the bomb.
NinjaA position between two boxes, which allows players to hold B stairs and catwalk.
UnderstairsA position under B stairs, allowing players to hold B stairs and under Mid.
ColdLocated on the B plant, it allows players to hide and hold CT spawn while making a dangerous jump.
ElecAn electro box that helps players to hold CT or B plant.

Mid Callouts

Mid is the central battleground of Vertigo, often dictating the flow of the game. Control over Mid can give your team a significant advantage in rotations and map control.

Top MidClosest to CT Spawn, controlling this area is crucial for map dominance.
ConnectorLinks Mid to B Site and CT Spawn, perfect for quick rotations and surprise attacks.
ElevatorConnects A Site with Top Mid and Door, a strategic choke point.
Boost MidA box that allows players to make a boost and hold T Mid from a nontrivial position.
UnfairA box that allows players to hold T and CT Mid.
IronMetal rods along the exit after T Mid.

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T Spawn Callouts

T spawn callouts vertigo

T Spawn is where the terrorists start each round. Knowing these callouts can help in planning early-round strategies and effective executions.

T StairsProvides access to T Mid, essential for early round strategies.
ToiletsAn interactive element in T Spawn, useful for hiding players and weapons.
GeneratorA spot on the upper T Spawn, useful for holding Mid.
50A room between T Spawn and the room under elevators, named after the number 50 on its wall.

CT Spawn Callouts

CT Spawn is the starting point for counter-terrorists. Effective use of these callouts can help in coordinating defenses and retakes.

HeavenOverlooks A Site, giving CTs a defensive advantage.
Electric BoxLocated between CT Spawn and B Site, offering cover during retakes.
CT SpawnThe area where CTs start playing rounds. Control here can change the game.

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Additional Key Vertigo Callouts

Knowing these additional CS2 map callouts for Vertigo can further enhance your gameplay, providing you with more tactical options and better map awareness.

T MidThe part of Mid closest to T Spawn, a hotspot for early engagements.
MidThe central part of the map, a major battleground.
Under MidA large corridor between B stairs and connector, mirroring Mid on the ground floor.
BridgeConnects the room under elevators and Ramp. Great for holding the connector.
Big BoxLocated between Bridge and Ramp, this box is a prime position to hold enemies.
DogA spot above the Ramp, excellent for holding enemies from the bridge.
RampA big metal platform connecting the room with Big Box and A plant.
Double/BoostA position with two red boxes on A plant, useful for controlling A plant and Ramp.
ElevatorsConnects A plant and Top Mid.

Wrapping It Up

These CS2 Vertigo callouts not only help in communicating effectively with your team but also in strategizing and executing plays. Keep practicing these callouts, and soon, you’ll find yourself dominating Vertigo like a pro. Happy gaming!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Vertigo T-sided?

Vertigo can be considered T-sided due to the effective rush strategies and the ability for Ts to quickly control key areas like A Ramp and B Stairs. However, a well-coordinated CT team can counter these strategies with proper positioning and communication.

What is the name of the CSGO Vertigo map?

The map in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is simply called “Vertigo.” It’s known for its multi-level design and construction site theme, offering unique vertical gameplay elements.

What are CSGO callouts?

CSGO callouts are specific names given to different locations on a map. They help players communicate effectively and quickly during a match, ensuring everyone knows where teammates or enemies are positioned.

Posted by
William Westerlund

William is an author, editor, and an avid gamer with over 10.000 hours in CS:GO (Counter-Strike 2). He also enjoys playing Rust, Dota 2, and TF2 but never became a top 1% player in any of those games.