As a TF2 player, I’ve always found the Medic’s voice lines to be some of the most memorable in the game. His German-accented outbursts and maniacal laughter add so much character to this essential support class.
I’ve put together this guide to the Medic’s voice commands to help you communicate effectively while playing as him.
Voice Menu 1 (Default Key: Z)

MEDIC! (Z → 1)
The Medic calling for another Medic is always ironic. He’ll say lines like:
- “Doktor!”
- “Medic!”
Thanks! (Z → 2)
When someone helps you out or you’re healed:
- “Zank you.”
- “Danke!” (German for “Thank you”)
After a kill or assist, he has special lines:
- “Danke, Kamerad!”
- “Ve did it, Kamerad!”
- “Eins, zwei, drei… Ugh, I do not think we brought enough body bags.”
Go Go Go! (Z → 3)
When you need your team to push forward:
- “Mach schnell!” (German for “Hurry up!”)
- “Schnell! Raus, RAUS!” (German for “Quick, Get out, OUT!”)
- “Move! Schnell!”
- “Los, Weiter!” (German for “Go on!”)
Move Up! (Z → 4)
For coordinating gear movement:
- “Move ze gear up, SCHNELL!”
- “Move zis gear up!”
Go Left/Right! (Z → 5/6)
For directional team coordination:
- “Left!” / “Right!”
- “Go left!” / “Go right!”
- “Left, left!” / “Right, right!”
Yes/No (Z → 7/8)
Simple affirmations or negations:
- “Ja.” / “Nein!”
- “Jawohl.” / “No!”
- “Yes.” / “Nichts da!”
Also Check: TF2 Soldier Voice Lines
Voice Menu 2 (Default Key: X)
Incoming! (X → 1)
Warning your team of approaching enemies:
- “Incoming.”
- “Incoming!”
Spy! (X → 2)
When you spot an enemy Spy:
- “Spy!”
- “Achtung! Spy!” (German for “Warning! Spy!”)
When aiming at a suspicious teammate, he’ll call out the specific class:
- “Ze Scout is a Spy!”
- “Ze Soldier is a Spy!” And so on for each class.
Building Placement (X → 3-6)
For helping Engineers know where to build:
- “Sentry ahead!” / “Zere is a Sentry ahead!”
- “Ze Teleporter goes here!”
- “Ze Dispenser goes here!”
- “Ze Sentry goes here!”
ÜberCharge Commands (X → 7/8)
For coordinating with another Medic:
- “Charge me, Herr doctor.”
- “Ready for ze charge, Herr doctor.”
When your ÜberCharge is ready:
- “Ready to charge!”
- “I am fully charged!”
- “I am charged!”
Also Check: All TF2 Characters’ Voice Actors
Voice Menu 3 (Default Key: C)
Help! (C → 1)
When you need assistance:
- “Help!”
- “I require assistance!”
- “Assistance, bitte!” (German for “Assistance, please!”)
Battle Cry (C → 2)
To rally your team:
- “Raus, Raus!” (German for “Get out, get out!”)
- “Forward!”
- “Heil us!”
- “Hyaaaa!”
- “Horrido!” (German hunting/war cry)
- “Gesundheit!” (German for “Bless you!”)
When wielding a melee weapon, he has several threatening lines including:
- “I’m going to saw zrough your bones!”
- “Prepare for your examination…” (followed by laughter)
- “You have 30 seconds to live!”
Cheers/Jeers (C → 3/4)
For celebrating or expressing disappointment:
- “Excellent!” / “Fess…”
- “Vell done!” / “Iz zere a point to your lives?”
- “I am ze Übermensch!” / “My skill is VASTED on zis team!”
- “Oktoberfest!” / “DUMMKOPFS!” (German for “Idiots!”)
Positive/Negative (C → 5/6)
General reactions:
- “Vondaful.” / “Gah!”
- “Wunderbar!” / “Schweinhunds!”
- The Medic also has several distinctive laughs and grunts of frustration.
Nice Shot/Good Job (C → 7/8)
For complimenting teammates:
- “Nice shot, kamerad!”
- “Good shooting!”
- “Good verk!”
- “Stupendous!”
- “Amazing, kamerad!”
Also Check: Best TF2 Quotes
Control Point Voice Lines
The Medic has special voice lines when standing on control points:
Friendly Point
- “Ve must defend zis point!”
- “Must I defend zis point myself?!”
- “Defend ze point!”
Enemy Point
- “Help me secure this point!”
- “I need help with zis point! Schnell!”
- “Get on ze point, dummkopf!”
- “Stand on ze point, schweinhund!”
Pro Tips for Using Medic Voice Commands
- Communicate ÜberCharge status regularly to your team using X-8
- Call out Spies immediately – this can save your team from backstabs
- Use “Thanks!” after being saved or healed to maintain team morale
- Coordinate pushes with “Go Go Go!” when your ÜberCharge is ready
- Direct your Heavy or pocket with the directional commands
The Medic’s distinctive personality shines through his voice lines, combining German phrases, medical references, and often dark humor. These voice commands aren’t just entertaining – they’re essential tools for effective team communication.
What’s your favorite Medic voice line? Mine has to be the maniacal “I’m going to saw zrough your bones!” when charging with the Bonesaw!
The Medic has many voice lines, including:
“Oktoberfest!” – A signature cheer.
“I am fully charged!” – When his ÜberCharge is ready.
“Hold still, Schweinhund!” – Insulting enemies while healing.
“Would you like a second opinion? You are also ugly!” – Taunt line.
Press the E key (default) to call for a Medic. Your character will automatically yell “MEDIC!”, alerting teammates. If you’re playing as Medic, it signals you need help.
Soldier: “You are all weak! You are all bleeders!”
Spy: “I never really was on your side.”
Heavy: “Some people think they can outsmart me… Maybe. Maybe. I’ve yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet.”
Engineer: “Ain’t that a cute little gun?”
Scout: “If you order now, I’ll throw in a second beatin’, absolutely free!”
Medic: “I have no idea!” (on how his healing gun works).
“Oktoberfest!” is a celebratory phrase referencing the famous German beer festival. It fits Medic’s exaggerated German personality, and he often yells it when using ÜberCharge or after a successful heal.