Community Rating
As expensive as it is powerful, the Desert Eagle is an iconic pistol that is difficult to master but surprisingly accurate at long range
Rarity Statistics
Collections that include Desert Eagle Skins
Deagle skins can be found in 25+ collections, which indicates just how popular this CS2 pistol is among the community.
- The Prisma 2 Collection
- The Fracture Collection
- The eSports 2014 Summer Collection
- The Horizon Collection
- The Prisma Collection
- The Spectrum Collection
- The 2021 Train Collection
- The 2021 Mirage Collection
- The Lake Collection
- The Revolver Case Collection
- The Arms Deal Collection
- The Chroma Collection
- The Rising Sun Collection
- The Havoc Collection
- The Norse Collection
- The Wildfire Collection
- The Train Collection
- The Breakout Collection
- The eSports 2013 Winter Collection
- The Chroma 2 Collection
- The Danger Zone Collection
- The Bank Collection
- The Chop Shop Collection
- The Gamma 2 Collection
- The Baggage Collection
- The Control Collection
- The Bravo Collection
- The Dust Collection
- The Cobblestone Collection
- The Overpass Collection
- The Arms Deal Collection
- The Operation Riptide Collection
- The Snakebite Collection
- The Rising Sun Collection
Buy, sell, or trade Desert Eagle skins at Tradeit
We’re constantly improving our systems to make it easy to handle your skins transactions through our platform.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I obtain Desert Eagle skins in CS2?
To get Desert Eagle skins in CS2, you can open cases, swap with someone, or get them directly from Tradeit.
What are some of the rarest Desert Eagle skins in CS2?
The most rare Desert Eagle skins include Pilot, Hand Cannon, Sunset Storm 壱, Sunset Storm 弐, and Blaze (which is also one of the most popular Deagles to play with).
How can I check the value of my Desert Eagle skins?
You can check our marketplace for Counter-Strike 2 and see what others list a similar skin for, or simply use our inventory value checker.
Is it possible to get free Deagle skins in CS2?
If you’re lucky and a user or Tradeit, you can join our free CS2 skins giveaway on a Daily, Weekly, and Hourly basis. It’s not guaranteed that there will be a Deagle skin available in the giveaway, but keep your eyes open!