Tradeit League Fe Masters #4 Results


The 4th edition of Tradeit League Fe Masters ended with unexpected results. Dreamcatchers, a team full of little-known players, managed to beat some of the best competitors in the race and won the Bo5 Grand Final against France fe without losing a single map.

Overall, the tournament was another big success, attracting more than 43.000 unique viewers and generating close to 17.000 chat messages. More statistics will be provided at the end of the article.


Tradeit League Fe Masters featured teams like NIP Impact, Team Spirit Female, BIG EQUIPA, Elite Klan Violet, ENCE Athena, and many more.

The competitive format was single-elimination, so the competitors had zero room for error. On their path to the trophy, dreamcatchers had to defeat ELITE, wwaves, BIG EQUIPA, Spirit Female, and France fe. Throughout this epic run, they only lost a single map, against BIG EQUIPA.

However, the scores themselves do not tell the entire story. Some maps were won 13 – 11, while others required OT rounds to conclude.

Dreamcatchers will receive $3000 for their victory, and the runner-up, France fe, will receive $1000. We hope that future editions of Tradeit League Fe Masters will offer even bigger prizes.

Key Statistics

Tradeit League Fe Masters 4 MVP

These are the key viewership numbers that indicate the success of this CS2 Tradeit event:

  • Peak Viewers: 4817
  • Hours Watched: 9395
  • Hours Streamed: 100
  • Average Viewers: 2524
  • Unique Viewers: 43000
  • Live Views: 66816
  • Engaged Viewers: 6635
  • New Engaged Users: 3177
  • Returning Engaged Viewers: 3486
  • Chatters: 2030
  • Chat Messages: 16925
  • Clips Created: 306

The engagement level was quite high relative to the size of the tournament. This makes us optimistic about the future of the series. Tradeit League Fe Masters has been around only since February 2024 and has grown a lot in popularity since then.

Thanks to our sponsors, and Elite Klan, we have been able to gradually increase the prize pool and audience numbers of this highly entertaining CS2 series.

William Westerlund
William Westerlund
William is an author, editor, and an avid gamer with over 10.000 hours in CS:GO. He also enjoys playing Rust, Dota 2, and TF2 but never became a top 1% player in any of those games.

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